
If cosmetic dentistry has always been on your mind, but time is always an issue, call and schedule an appointment with Saddleback Dentistry.

This cosmetic dental practice in Laguna Hills offers the best of the best when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, especially same day dental crowns.

Same Day Cosmetic Dentistry in Laguna Hills

Dr. Dean Garcia, Dr. Ryan Conkle and Dr. Jeff Buizastow have the experience to help you with whatever you need when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.

For example, if you have a space between your teeth but didn’t want to go with braces, same day dental crowns could be the answer.

With same day dental crowns you won’t need temporaries and you won’t need messy impressions.

BruxZir provides patients with strong dental crowns that look and feel just like natural teeth. In fact, BruxZir is so natural looking no one will know you have had work done except for you, Dr. Ryan Conkle, Dr. Dean Garcia or Dr. Jeff Buizastow.

BruxZir Cosmetic Dentistry

Conventional dental crowns take two or sometimes three dental appointments. These appointments consist of messy impressions and temporary dental crowns.

For most cases the crowns take a couple of weeks to make. That means you will have to wear your temporary crown, or crowns, for at least 14 days.

BruxZir dental crowns have changed all of that. They have changed all of that because there is no need for temporary crowns or messy dental impressions.

BruxZir is matched to the rest of the tooth and your smile and with various colors to choose from you will always have a perfect match.

The BruxZir Process

If you, Dr. Ryan Conkle, Dr. Dean Garcia or Dr. Jeff Buizastow determine that BruxZir is a good fit, digital pictures are taken that the team sends to the computer. Using the software the computer makes a perfect 3D image that is sent to the in-house milling machine.

This process takes about 45 minutes. During this time you can relax, check your social media accounts or just watch some TV.

When your crown or crowns are ready, your cosmetic dentist in Laguna Hills will check for fit and color. Once satisfied with the results, your new dental crown or crowns are permanently placed and polished to perfection.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Laguna Hills

Same day dentistry with BruxZir will change your life and your smile. Call or send a direct message and schedule an appointment with Saddleback Dentistry in Laguna Hills today.  

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